
The Growth of Cloud ERP

The “Internet of Things”:

Phones aren’t the only “things” that are connected to the internet. There is a revolution under way connecting things—from weather sensors to vehicles to MRI machines—to the internet. The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to collecting and analyzing the data from these things to identify patterns, track trends, and even predict behaviors.


A new frontier:

Through the IoT, businesses use their data, often combined with public data, to better understand their products, customers, and markets. The challenge for each business is to understand what data is available and how it can apply to your operations.

Understanding your business:

Every business will be able to capitalize on the IoT in different ways. Cloud-based ERP allows you to connect to data sources (from vendors or public sources) that can help you understand your markets and how they interact with your products and services. For example:

  • A retailer can match revenue and weather data to predict sales on a rainy day.
  • A truck dealer can schedule maintenance based on historic engine performance of a specific model across the entire fleet.
  • A hospital can reduce MRI downtime with preventive maintenance based on cumulative machine data.

Better Control and Flexibility:

Cloud-based ERP provides the foundation plus the flexibility for you to take advantage of the new frontiers that the internet opens for every industry. Since subscription fees are typically charged monthly based on per user, you can easily change the number of users every month to fit personnel situations and avoid the expenditure of unused licensing.

Global Availability:  

Through the Internet, ERP users can access their information anytime and anywhere. As long as there is Internet, businesses benefit from better business mobility and global availability, which lead to enhanced productivity and increased control of information.


Learn more about Cloud Enterprise Resource Planning


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Posted on Wednesday, September 14, 2016