
Why An ERP Performs Better In The Cloud

There are so many ERP (enterprise resource planning) options currently on the market that it’s easy for enterprises to find one perfectly suited to their unique requirements. Before diving into the details however, it’s important for any prospective user to choose between an on-site or cloud ERP deployment. There are advantages and disadvantages to both approaches, but without a doubt an ERP performs better overall in the cloud.


Here’s why:


Management Is Handled For You

Your IT team is one of your biggest assets. But when they have to spend their days on the maintenance, updates, and repairs that your on-site ERP system requires, their time is not well spent. When the ERP resides in the cloud, all of these routine tasks are handled for you by a dedicated team of off-site experts. That ensures you always have the strongest, fastest, and most up-to-date version of the system to use. Plus, it frees up your IT team to work on more productive projects.


Scalability Is Instantaneous and Infinite

The reason you’re putting tools like ERP finance in place is because you want your company to grow. But when it does, the version of the system that you relied on initially may no longer be suited to your expanded requirements. With an on-site system it’s a time and labor intensive process to scale your capabilities upward. And depending on certain factors your growth may be limited. But with cloud ERP you can move to a larger, more capable system immediately, affordably, and without limits.


Security Is Prioritized

Since an ERP is basically a repository for all your company’s data, the security of the system is a paramount concern. Data security is a challenge no matter where the data resides, but it’s much harder when your in-house team is solely responsible for maintenance, monitoring, and response. Your level of protection doubles when you use cloud ERP because both your in-house team and your cloud provider are focused on the security of the system. It’s not a guarantee against attack or breaches, but it is a welcome safeguard.


Implementation Is Fast and Flexible

Given the scope of even a modest ERP system, implementation is a notorious challenge. If you have a limited or inexperienced IT team, this implementation can drag on for months. And when the system is finally up and running it may be buggy or poorly suited for the particular needs of your staff. But when you choose a cloud ERP, the service provider helps you to plan, customize and implement your system. These consultants have years of experience combined with expert knowledge of the ERP in question. As a result, the implementation is faster, and the final product is stronger.

These are the benefits that relate to performance, but a cloud ERP can also save you money, offer you more features, and prove to be a viable option for a greater number of companies. You understand the importance of an ERP. Now make your focus finding the right ERP.


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Posted on Tuesday, October 25, 2016