
How To Achieve A Successful ERP Implementation

ERP implementations can go two ways: Relatively easy and painless transitions, or long and grueling affairs that cause frustration.

Which would you prefer?

Unfortunately, too many ERP implementation projects are destined for failure before they ever get off the ground.

The good news? There’s a lot you can do to prevent ERP implementation setbacks.

How-to-achieve-a-sucessful-ERPCommon ERP Implementation Problems

Some of the most common and easily corrected ERP implementation problems occur on the client side of the equation.

  • Every ERP implementation needs someone on the customer’s site who owns the project. This customer-side team leader should act as a communicator and liaison. They should be held accountable for meeting agreed-upon deadlines and keeping their team on track.
  • Not understanding the project’s requirements or needs is another frequent problem. This is a communication issue. There has to be an open dialogue between the customer and their implementation partner. There should be a clear understanding of pain points, needs and what must happen to get any issues resolved.
  • Poor internal communication also will affect the ERP implementation. At many companies, department teams are isolated from each other. ERP projects often become stalled when one department won’t work with (or fears challenging) another. Not wanting to “rock the boat” frequently leads to ERP implementation problems.
  • Misunderstood expectations also create unnecessary ERP implementation setbacks. ERP implementation projects suffer when the customer’s expectations differ from their implementation partner’s. It’s best for both parties to participate in weekly status meetings to keep the project moving along and have the mutual understanding. Never assume that one person or department knows something. Make everything clear if not sure for certain enquiry or issues. Make sure to copy all the relevant people/teams on emails. Always be up front about what’s happening.

3 ERP Implementation Mistakes To Avoid

Every ERP implementation is different, but they tend to have similar characteristics — and mistakes. To ensure a successful implementation, avoid the following:

  1. No realistic project plan or timeline. Make an effort to understand the variables in your specific implementation scenario. When you’re aware of what drives the implementation time up or down, you have a more realistic picture of what’s truly happening.
  2. No clear understanding of priorities. Avoid delays by focusing on priority items. Try to avoid multitasking through multiple objectives. Your priority system should dictate when to do which tasks, as well as present managers with information on which issues need to be resolved first.
  3. Not enough testing and training. Use a staging server (as opposed to a live one) so users can safely try out the new system and uncover unforeseen issues. Make sure you invest enough time in training your people not only on how to use the new ERP system, but how you want them to use it.

Look for a partner that doesn’t shortchange this critical discovery process. Your ERP implementation partner should take the time to ensure a thorough discovery phase that uncovers the full range and scope of your project’s needs.

Don’t get stuck in an ERP implementation nightmare. Speak with an Samooha Consultants to ensure a successful implementation.

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Posted on Tuesday, February 2, 2016