Customer Success Stories


Samooha integrated Accounts and Retails system helped me to have better overview of my boutique’s inventory and retail operation.

Their CRM feature allows me to connect better with my customers and to offer them rewards for their purchases. IT support is patient, fast and reliable as well, even on weekends! Samooha application also enables me to check all my store activities through internet.

We are looking at opening new stores and needed a system that could be scalable

Company Information

Small Boutique (Keep on Walking Pte Ltd)


Boutique for high-end fashion, shoes and accessories products coming exclusively from Europe

Application Replaced:
Efusion Technology – ePOS

Samooha Enterprise Cloud + Retail POS

Samooha Implementation

Success Story

  • Small was able to scale her retail boutique to handle more product brands and categories.
  • Samooha application provided Small with the possibility to manage multiple stores from one single interface accessible anywhere through an internet connection. All Store information is real-time and current.
  • Samooha Customer Relationship Management (CRM) allows Small to reward customers based on their purchases, to issue and track reward vouchers
  • Samooha integrated Accounts, Retail and Inventory system empowers Small to focus on her retail operation, while allowing access for her accountant to Small accounting data using Samooha application.
  • Samooha’s User Access Rights and Document Control feature enables Small better control over which data and transactions accessible for different type of users within the company; i.e. super user, accountant, store manager, data clerks, and cashiers.


  • Efusion Technology – ePOS has limited CRM and reward points features.
  • Efusion Technology – ePOS does not have Voucher feature


  • Samooha Customer Relationship Management (CRM) allows Small to track customers’ purchases, reward points and points redemptions.
  • Samooha support of Vouchers allows Small’s customers to buy Gift Vouchers and for the boutique to give Credit Vouchers to customers.
  • Samooha Warehouse Management System (WMS) integration with Retail POS allows Small to quickly and accurately track their boutique’s inventory and stock level.